DIabesity in the Family

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© Jacquelyn Johnston, M.Ed.

At the supermarket checkout this evening I there were 4 people in front of me, three of whom had a serious case of obesity. And I mean serious. One couple had the combined weight of at least three healthy people. If they had been stirred in a cauldron, three people would have emerged. Both were well into their late sixties or early seventies.

Naturally, I couldn’t say they had diabesity: they could well have escaped it, but I somehow doubt it. In the shopping basket of one of them was potato bread—a concoction of “enriched” white flour, white potato starch, some kind of oil, and goodness knows what else. Did they have any idea how quickly that would turn into sugar? (Add the butter, jam or honey, and you have blood sugar spiking through the roof).

I really don’t know why such things are even sold. But consuming foods that so rapidly turn into sugar probably isn’t the best way to stave off diabetes. I wanted to ask them what else they were eating—I actually would gladly have gone through their carts and let them know what some of their choices would do to them.

When the couple left the supermarket I saw them from the corner of my eye in the parking lot. They were walking slowly, one of them with an obviously sore leg. My guess was a knee problem, so common in overweight people.

Now let’s have a look at what they might have been contending with: breathing problems, reduced mobility, daily pricks if diabetic, arthritis in the knees if not in other joints as well, and toxic overload. All three had tummy fat (midsection obesity); not a fun combo.

Twenty minutes of exercise would have made a difference in their lives, but with their mobility issues, I wonder if they even had the energy to try that. As a coach I would have dealt with the toxins first. I wanted to suggest they download my free report, but you don’t go up to someone in the supermarket and say that! I’m seeing more and more people in this condition. Our national statistics are not pretty: two-thirds have a weight issue. What would you suggest if you were in charge of health care?

Let me know by entering a comment below, or do a loved one a favour and ask them to. Or, see the free report on the right? Do print one out for them. Let them know they can give me a call.
Ciao for now,
