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“I’m committed to helping people become cancer-free naturally.
I take a stand for the natural treatments and positive changes that lead my clients and audiences to being cancer-free.”
~Jacquelyn Johnston, M.Ed, RCRT
If you, or someone you love, has a cancer diagnosis, you can get the information, the direction, the guidance and support you need right now to discover alternative cancer treatments that might give you better results.
Jacquelyn Johnston is a professional health coach with more than twenty years experience in leading clients to customized solutions for optimal health – in particular, alternative cancer treatments that are less traumatic, less costly, and rely on more natural remedies… without losing effectiveness.
Jacquelyn brings you the benefits of her extensive research and experience
so that you can focus on your one main job: getting well.
Jacquelyn is constantly engaged in finding the most effective, efficient and productive alternative cancer treatment protocols for her clients. You receive the benefit of this during your coaching sessions with her.
If you are ready to start reversing your diagnosis, sign up for your complimentary discovery session with Jacquelyn Johnston, MEd, professional health coach & educator.
Can’t wait another minute to get started? Call Jacquelyn at 604.276.8673 and begin NOW.
Read Jacquelyn’s cancer-related blog posts