Cancer’s best friends: Toxins and Sugar

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I’ve just seen a program on the BBC World Service that pinpointed one of the reasons cancer has taken over in North America as #1 killer.  Obesity.  And it’s starting earlier and earlier.   Via one ingredient in candy, food and booze.

And at the root of it all, sugar, the foster-parent of all cancers.

It was a documentary featuring a community in Liverpool, in the North of England, where the Doctor was lamenting the need to divert precious resources to the emergency care of youngsters, all of whom had preventable crises.

There was a 3-year-old who had to have several of his milk teeth removed because his mother gave him a bottle of milk before going to sleep. That meant he went to sleep every night without brushing his teeth.  The sugar in the milk immediately went to work, and we saw him recovering in the hospital while his mother was being interviewed.  She was in the habit of giving him 4 to 5 lollipops every day.  The kid didn’t have a chance.

This was a common occurrence.

Then a five-year-old whose mother followed him around with a wheelchair every day because he weighed over 300 pounds, and couldn’t make it home on foot.  Back in the house his mother, who assured the interviewer she was giving him healthy food, was actually feeding him high-carbohydrate (& high-glycemic), overcooked food.

This too, was a common occurrence.

A 16-year-old teenager set a record for being the youngest ever to have bariatric surgery.  Weighing in at over 400 pounds, she was bulging all over and struggling to eat her frozen veggies because part of her stomach had been stapled off.

And so on. The doctor was dreaming up all the plans he could have for public health if tax dollars didn’t have to go toward crisis care for preventable conditions.

That wasn’t all.  Thirteen-year-olds were also straining the system by being brought in for drinking –guess what—vodka.  Yes, nothing less.  Stone drunk they were; parents at their wits’ end who couldn’t monitor them 24 hours a day.  Livers and kidneys were being damaged early, laying the groundwork for chronic diseases like cancer  in adulthood.

One of the doctors monitoring the weight loss plans said that, down the road, we were looking at 50-year-olds dying while their 80-year-old parents looked on.

The toxic load was taking a toll on every organ of their bodies.  We now know that one (and that’s just one) of the documented causes of cancer is an internal injury of some sort.  Sugar alone inflicts injuries on the organs, in the blood.  When mischief strikes, like parasites, for instance, what chance do these young bodies have, I wonder.

I wonder if there’s a message there for us from the other side of the pond?

Let me know if you see the message. Pssst!  There’s a comment section below.


Jacquelyn Johnston, M.Ed. RCRT

Professional Health Coach and Speaker

Solutions and Support for Optimal Health

Richmond, B.C. Canada